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OMNIQ Corp. Introduces SeeHOV™ AI- Machine Vision Solution for High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) Violation Detection

By: | Tags: | Comments: 0 | April 24th, 2020

Salt Lake City, UT (April 24, 2020) – OMNIQ Corp. (OTCQB: OMQS) (“OMNIQ”, “the Company”) introduces SeeHOV™, an AI-Machine Vision-based, state-of-the art solution for the efficient and accurate detection of vehicle occupants. The Company filed a patent on April 21, 2020 for the solution’s novel method and system (USPTO application No. 63/013,523: “AUTOMATED HOV VIOLATION DETECTION”).


HOV lanes, were created for use by cars carrying more than one occupant, with the goal of increasing average vehicle occupancy to reduce traffic congestion and air pollution. Historically, HOV violation enforcement has been a manual process, with few available commercial systems that successfully automate the process. Under existing protocols, police officers observe vehicles using the HOV lane and pull over drivers who appear to be alone. This can be a difficult and dangerous task as it requires that police vehicles accelerate to highway speeds, merge into busy traffic, and issue side-of-the-road citations and these challenges limit the enforcement of HOV lanes, resulting in their abuse by drivers. For example, according to the California Highway Patrol, up to 39 percent of the cars in a diamond lane during peak commute times contain only one passenger, in violation of HOV requirements. In addition to promoting the safety of traffic officers, a machine-to-machine solution enables the capture of revenue lost when a traffic stop doesn’t occur. SeeHOV™ implements AI and deep learning to provide an accurate, reliable automated solution that records the violation and generates a ticket.


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